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Zoe Children

James 1:27

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

The children of the Zoe Project are at the heart of God as He calls us to care for orphans in their distress.

Each child has either lost both parents or has one parent and is at high risk. In most situations, the children have not been able to attend school at any level, and they struggle to meet their basic nutritional and material needs daily. 

Being a part of the Zoe Project they receive one balanced meal each day and they are able to attend the Zoe school, where they learn English, Amharic, math and science. With our local church partnership, they also learn about Jesus Christ each day as a local church pastor teaches a Bible lesson for the students. Each child receives class books and supplies for their subjects. They also receive a uniform which gives a sense they are part of a community with a purpose that builds in them value and purpose.

The children receive all of this at no cost and this is only possible because of the sacrificial support of Zoe Partners.