Questions? 719.351.0758 | [email protected]

Get Involved

Become a Zoe Partner

Zoe Project would not be possible without the partnership of caring individuals that sacrificially give of their time and their treasure. We would like to invite you to be a part of what God is doing through the Zoe Project in Ethiopia and there are many ways to join to help. 

Donation Partner

As a Zoe Financial Partner, your sacrificial gift goes directly to support the children in Ethiopia. Your donation pays for teacher and staff salaries and daily food and medical care for the children. Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering giving to Zoe Project Ethiopia. 

Prayer Partner

Zoe Project started with a powerful movement of God, and we believe deeply that prayer empowers God to move through His people to do His work. As a Zoe Prayer Partner you will have opportunities to pray for children, staff and future ministry doors to open. Our work starts first with prayer. Join our newsletter so you know how to pray and also commit below to be added to the Zoe Prayer Team. 

Mission Partner

Nothing touches your heart like actually being with the children at the Zoe School in Ethiopia. If you have the desire to join Patrick on a personalized trip to serve in Tembaro, Ethiopia, send an email to [email protected] and Patrick would welcome meeting with you.

Sign up to receive the Zoe Project newsletter to keep track of all that God is doing in Tembaro Ethiopia